رؤيا المركز / Our Vision & Mission
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الوصول الى مجتمع عراقي ديموقراطي يحترم حقوق المراة تتساوى فيه الفرص بين الجنسين حيث تبنى فيه العلاقة بين المراة والرجل على اسس انماء المشاركة الفعلية بينهما بعيداً عن التمييز الجنسي والعنف بكل انواعه ويرعى قضاياها على اساس انها تمثل حجر الاساس في كل المجتمعات من خلال آليات وبرامج علمية مدروسة تحاكي حاجات المجتمع العراقي بشكل مدروس ,
الشرائح المستهدفة:
- ربات البيوت
- الموظفات
- الطالبات
- سيدات الاعمال
- نساء الارياف
- بغداد (المقر الرئيسي)
- البصرة
ولكن استمر تنسيقنا من خلال علاقاتنا مع منسقينا في الفروع السابقة التي اغلقت بسبب داعش في محافظات كركوك وديالى وصلاح الدين .
Our Vision:
The center’s vision: Our vision is arriving to a democratic society that respects the women’s rights and equals between the chances of the two Genders , The relationship between man and woman should build on the basics of the actual participating between them far away from the generic differentiating and all kinds of violence and take care from the generic differentiating and all kinds of violence and take care of her cases since she is the foundation of each society. This will be done through scientific programs and procedures that are aware of the needs of the Iraqi society. The targeted slices: Housewives. Employees. Students. Business women .Rural women widows, divorces, IDPs women either in compounds or liberated area special in economic sector.
The cultural and intellective rehabilitating Which divide into:
A- Empowering women to share in the power bodyworks and make the decisions.
B- Rehabilitate women in the social field including lobbying process to fix the important laws for women (e.g. we execute two campaigns one to fix quota in constitution, personal status law which is still work, Amendment Article 41 C- Empowering women & aware her about the educational field
D- Health sector
E- Environmental sector
F- Rehabilitation of Information Economic sector.
A-Employment in private & general sector
B- Small projects
C- Handy Craft see (Gallery Icon) in our website: www.icwre.org
D- Women in business
E-IDPs women
Awareness for women lost her husband with ISIS about their rights in law & how we have to advocate reducing her waiting less than four years, IDPS Hay Almaalif neighbors of
:Our offices
- Baghdad (Headquarters)
- Basra
But our coordination continued through our relations with our coordinators in the previous branches that were closed due to ISIS in the governorates of Kirkuk, Diyala and Salah al-Din.
:Our Mission
Empower women economically and culturally through increasing their knowledge horizons in a way that can serve their cases and guarantee their rights, develop their abilities, enable them to build a democratic society that equals between the chances for the two genders GBV and empty from any kind of violence ,one of our priorities now as Iraqi women Issue advocate & protect rights of :widows ,divorces ,non marriage women & role of women in build ,protect peace process 1325 resolution . Young ladies capacity building as leadership (second generation of leadership) IDPs women recently according to need.. We believe that women right protection couldn’t be only through the law including ,business women, widows, employers in general & private sector, divorces women but we should have different strategies & work plans according to needs specially Iraq always in very critical situations like ISIS & what we face as women, indeed need new kind of legislation, awareness, economic empowerment in liberated area which didn›t mean that we forget other women our message will continue . Constitutions awareness for women in universities
2022-03-07 02:43 مساءا 1658