من ضمن نشاطات المركز العراقي لتاهيل المرأة وتشغيلها في اهوار البصرة لدعم المرآة العراقية


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ضمن نشاطات المركز العراقي لتاهيل المرأة وتشغيلهافي البصرة
اليوم الجمعة المصادف 2023/4/14
تم عقد ورشة تشاورية بالتعاون بين المركز العراقي لتاهيل المراة وجمعية الاهوار الخيرية لبناء المجتمع في مقر الجمعية في قضاء الهارثة / اهوار المسحب
وبحضور 25 أمراة منتجة ومن مختلف القطاعات الزراعية ، والفنية ، والتراثية وصنعات المنتوجات الغذائية مثل الالبان ومنتوج دبس التمر
الهدف الرئيسي من الورشة تشخيص النقاط التي تحتاج الى تدخل محلي ودولي لدعم مناطق الاهوار صحياً ، تعليمياً ، اقتصادياً وتم الاستماع الى النساء وسماع مقترحاتهم لتطوير عملهم واحتياجاتهم
وكان هناك بازار لمنتجات النساءورغم الظروف الصعبة في الاهوار عملت المراة على ايجاد البدائل والتي تحتاج الى دعم كبير
كذلك تم عقد جلسة حضرها الكادر المسؤول من مركزنا وجمعية الاهوار وتم تحديد الاوليات ووضع خطة اولية للبدء بالعمل
تقديرنا وشكرنا العالي لرئيس جمعية الاهوار السيد حسين ابو طبيخ وكادر المنظمة ومن الله التوفيق.
#جنان-مبارك التميمي
رئيسة المركز العراقي لتاهيل المراة وتشغيلها
Basra office news
Within the activities of the Iraqi Center for women Rehabilitation and Employment of Women in Basra
Today is Friday 4/14/2023
A consultative workshop was held in cooperation between the Iraqi Center for Women`s Rehabilitation and employment & the Al-Ahwar Charity Association for Community Building at the association`s headquarters in Al-Hartha District / Al-Mashab Marshes
presence of 25 women producers from various agricultural, artistic, and heritage sectors and food products industries such as dairy and date molasses products.
The main objective of the workshop is to diagnose the points that need local and international intervention to support the marsh areas healthily, educationally, and economically. listened to women their problems proposals were heard to develop their work and their needs.
There was a bazaar for women`s products, and despite the difficult conditions in the marshes, women worked to find alternatives that needed a lot of support.
After the workshop discussion meeting between Cader of the two organizations to fix the priorities to begin work .
Peace maker
jenan.Mubarak Altemimi
Head of ICWRE
Please scroll for English translation
Among the activities of the Iraqi Center for Women`s Qualification and Operation in Basra
Today is Friday 4/14/2023
A consultative workshop was held in cooperation between the Iraqi Center for Women`s Qualification and Al-Ahwar Charity Association for Community Building at the headquarters of the Association in Al-Harthha / Al-Mashab District
In the presence of 25 productive women from various agricultural, artistic, heritage and food products such as dairy and date molasses sectors
The main objective of the workshop was to identify the points that require local and international intervention to support the Ahwar regions healthily, academically, economically and women were listened to and their suggestions to develop their work and needs
There was a bazaar for women`s products and despite the difficult conditions in the early days, women worked to find alternatives that needed great support
Also, a session attended by the staff in charge of our center and Al-Ahwar Association was held. Priorities were determined and a preliminary plan was made to start working.
Our appreciation and high thanks to the President of the Ahwar Association, Mr. Hussein Abu Tabikh, and the cadre of the organization, and may God grant you success.
#Janan- Mubarak Al-Tamimi
Head of the Iraqi Center for Women`s Qualification and Operation
Basra office news
Within the activities of the Iraqi Center for women Rehabilitation and Employment of Women in Basra
Today is Friday 4/14/2023
A consultative workshop was held in cooperation between the Iraqi Center for Women`s Rehabilitation and employment & the Al-Ahwar Charity Association for Community Building at the association`s headquarters in Al-Hartha District / Al-Mashab Marshes
presence of 25 women producers from various agricultural, artistic, and heritage sectors and food products industries such as dairy and date molasses products.
The main objective of the workshop is to diagnose the points that need local and international intervention to support the marsh areas healthily, educationally, and economically. listened to women their problems proposals were heard to develop their work and their needs.
There was a bazaar for women`s products, and despite the difficult conditions in the marshes, women worked to find alternatives that needed a lot of support.
After the workshop discussion meeting between Cader of the two organizations to fix the priorities to begin work .
Peace maker
really. Happy Altemimi
Head of ICWRE

2023-04-17   02:10 مساءا    596