مشروع التمكين الأقتصادي للنساء في ( بغداد - البصرة - نينوى ) بدعم من ال GIZ


ورشة رقم (1) ورشة عمل القدرات الاساسية لسيدات الاعمال في البصرة

عربي/ English
بتمكين سيدات الأعمال العراقيات سنتمكن من التغلب على تحديات سوق العمل!
تزامنا مع اعياد نوروز اليوم تم تخريج الدورة الاولى من سيدات الاعمال في البصرة ل ٢٠ سيدة اعمال ممن يمتلكن شركاتك او مشاريع تم تاسيسها. مسبقا حيث
يعد التمكين الاقتصادي للمرأة أمر بالغ الأهمية لبناء اقتصاد وطني قوي. ومع ذلك، لا تزال مشاركة المرأة في سوق العمل العراقي منخفضة. ويرجع ذلك إلى وجود مجموعة من العوائق القانونية والثقافية والاجتماعية تعترض النساء في طريقهم نحو التعليم والتوظيف. ولاسيما الشابات اللائي يطمحن إلى بدأ وتنمية مشاريعهن الخاصة. ولذلك، فإن تعزيز فرص حصول المرأة على التدريب والتمويل، فضلا عن تهيئة بيئة ملائمة للمشاريع، عامل اساسي في تمكين سيدات الأعمال اقتصاديا.
بالتعاون مع مشروع تنمية القطاع الخاص ينفذ المركز العراقي لتأهيل المرأة وتشغيلها مشروع "التمكين الاقتصادي للمرأة" في بغداد والموصل والبصرة. ويهدف المشروع إلى تدريب 270 امرأة على إدارة أو تأسيس شركاتهن الناشئة أو القائمة. إذ يهدف المشروع إلى تطوير المهارات الإدارية للمرأة وتزويدها بالموارد الأساسية لبدء المشاريع وتنميتها. وركزت الورش ال 18 لبناء القدرات على تقديم تدريب الأعمال والمشورة القانونية وبرامج التوجيه. واستضافت البصرة مؤخرا وبالتعاون مع قسم تمكين المراة برئاسة السيدة ايناس الجبوري ويعتبر جزء مهم في تنفيذ الخطة الوطنية للقرار ١٣٢٥ مؤخرا الدورة الحادية عشر من المشروع حيث غطى التدريب العملي التفاعلي لمدة 5 أيام وبتدريب متميز من رئيس جامعة نفط وغاز البصرة. الدكتور محمد هليل مواضيع تجارية مختلفة ، تضمنت التسويق عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وإعداد خطط الأعمال وإدارة الأزمات والوقت ومهارات التفاوض والمناقصات والمراسلات التجارية. وعلاوة على ذلك، أتاحت الدورة فرصة ممتازة للمشاركات لبناء العلاقات والتعاون. لذا، سيحقق المشروع نجاحا طويل الأمد. إذ يمكن لسيدات الاعمال اللواتي يطمحن إلى أن يصبحن سيداتأعمال متميزات الانتفاع من هذه الشبكة في المحافظات الثلاثة والأقران لتنمية أعمالهن والمساهمة في 
التنمية الشاملة للاقتصاد العراقي.
تميزت الدورة بالاضافة للجانب العلمي الجانب الاجتماعي وتبادل الهدايا بمناسبة عيد الام واعياد. نوروز.
يُمول مشروع تنمية القطاع الخاص وتعزيز التوظيف (PSD) من قبل الوزارة الاتحادية الألمانية للتعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية (BMZ) ، وبتمويل مشترك من الاتحاد الأوروبي،
وتنفذه الوكالة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي (GIZ) GmbH.
#جنان مبارك التميمي
#رئيسة المركز العراقي لتأهيل المرأه وتشغيلها
Empowerment ladies of the works labor market important inspire of all challenges of the action!
To coincide with the Nowruz holidays, the graduation of the first Group of Business women in AlBasra (20 )women who own companies and projects. in advance
Women`s economic empowerment is very important to build a strong national economy. However, the participation of women in the Iraqi labor market is still low. This is due to the existence of a number of legal, cultural and social obstacles that women object to in their way of education and employment. Especially buisiness women to develop their own projects. Therefore, enhancing women`s opportunities for training and financing, as well as creating a suitable environment for projects, is a key factor in women`s empowerment.
In cooperation with the Private Sector Development Project, the Iraqi Center for women Rehabilitation & Employment is implementing the "Women`s Economic Empowerment" project in Baghdad, Mosul and Basra. The project aims to train 270 women to manage or establish their startup or existing companies. The project aims to develop women`s managerial skills and provide them with basic resources to start and develop projects. The 18 capacity building workshops focused on providing business training, legal advice and mentoring programmes. Basra recently hosted, in cooperation with the Women`s Empowerment Department headed by Mrs. Enas Al-Jubouri, an important part in the implementation of the national plan for Resolution 1325. Recently, the eleventh session of the project covered interactive practical training for a period of 5 days, with distinguished training from the President of the University of Oil and Gas of Basra. Dr. Mohamed Hillel
Various business topics, including social media marketing, preparing business plans, crisis and time management, negotiation skills, tenders and business correspondence. Moreover, the course provided an excellent opportunity for the participants to build relationships and cooperation. So, the project will be a long-term success. Businesswomen who aspire to become distinguished businesswomen can benefit from this network in the three governorates and peers to develop their businesses and contribute to the overall development of the Iraqi economy.
In addition to the scientific aspect, the course was distinguished by the social aspect and the exchange of gifts on the occasion of Mother`s Day and holidays. Nowruz.
The Private Sector Development and Employment Promotion (PSD) project is funnies
جنان مبارك التميمي \ Jenan Mubarak Altamimi#
#Head of ICWRE

By empowering Iraqi business women, we will be able to overcome the challenges of the labor market!
In conjunction with the Nowruz holidays, today the first course of business women in Basra was graduated to 30 business women who own their companies or established projects. In advance where
Economic empowerment of women is crucial for building a strong national economy. However, the share of women in the Iraqi labor market remains low. This is due to a set of legal, cultural and social barriers that stand in the way of education and employment. Especially young women who aspire to start and grow their own businesses. Therefore, enhancing women’s opportunities for training and funding, as well as providing a venture-friendly environment, is a key factor in economically empowering women entrepreneurs.
In cooperation with the Private Sector Development Project, the Iraqi Center for the Qualification of Women implements and operates the project "Economic Empowerment of Women" in Baghdad, Mosul and Basra. The project aims to train 270 women to manage or establish their own or existing start-ups. The project aims to develop women`s management skills and provide them with basic resources to initiate and develop businesses. The 18 capacity building workshops focused on providing business training, legal advice and mentorship programs. Basra recently, in cooperation with the Women Empowerment Department headed by Mrs. Enas Al-Jabouri, hosted an important part in the implementation of the National Plan for Resolution بر recently the eleventh session of the project, which covered the 5-day interactive practical training and distinguished training from the President of the Basra Oil and Gas University. Dr. Mohamed Halil covered various business topics, including social media marketing, preparing business plans, crisis management, time, negotiation skills, tendering and business correspondence. Furthermore, the course provided an excellent opportunity for participants to build relationships and collaboration. So, the project will be a long-term success. Aspiring business women can avail this network in the tri-provinces and peers to grow their businesses and contribute to 
The comprehensive development of the Iraqi economy.
In addition to the scientific side, the course featured the social side and the exchange of gifts on the occasion of Mother`s Day and festivals. Newroz.
The Private Sector Development and Employment Promotion (PSD) project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and joint funding from the European Union,
Implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH.
#Janan Mubarak Al-Tamimi
#رئيسة المركز العراقي لتأهيل المرأه وتشغيلها
Empowerment ladies of the works labor market important inspire of all challenges of the action!
To coincide with the Nowruz holidays, the graduation of the first Group of Business women in AlBasra (20 )women who own companies and projects. in advance
Women`s economic empowerment is very important to build a strong national economy. However, the participation of women in the Iraqi labor market is still low. This is due to the existence of a number of legal, cultural and social obstacles that women object to in their way of education and employment. Especially buisiness women to develop their own projects. Therefore, enhancing women`s opportunities for training and financing, as well as creating a suitable environment for projects, is a key factor in women`s empowerment.
In cooperation with the Private Sector Development Project, the Iraqi Center for women Rehabilitation & Employment is implementing the "Women`s Economic Empowerment" project in Baghdad, Mosul and Basra. The project aims to train 270 women to manage or establish their startup or existing companies. The project aims to develop women`s managerial skills and provide them with basic resources to start and develop projects. The 18 capacity building workshops focused on providing business training, legal advice and mentoring programmes. Basra recently hosted, in cooperation with the Women`s Empowerment Department headed by Mrs. Enas Al-Jubouri, an important part in the implementation of the national plan for Resolution 1325. Recently, the eleventh session of the project covered interactive practical training for a period of 5 days, with distinguished training from the President of the University of Oil and Gas of Basra. Dr. Mohamed Hillel
Various business topics, including social media marketing, preparing business plans, crisis and time management, negotiation skills, tenders and business correspondence. Moreover, the course provided an excellent opportunity for the participants to build relationships and cooperation. So, the project will be a long-term success. Businesswomen who aspire to become distinguished businesswomen can benefit from this network in the three governorates and peers to develop their businesses and contribute to the overall development of the Iraqi economy.
In addition to the scientific aspect, the course was distinguished by the social aspect and the exchange of gifts on the occasion of Mother`s Day and holidays. Nowruz.
The Private Sector Development and Employment Promotion (PSD) project is funnies
جنان مبارك التميمي \ Jenan Mubarak Altamimi#
#Head of ICWRE

2023-03-21   01:09 مساءا    702